February 21, 2016

CD13, 10th day of stims

TMI warning!!!

Ugh... SUCH a dodgy tummy today! :-/

Yesterday my stomach was rumbling really loud at work & I just thought I had a bit of wind from something I ate.. but then I had to rush to the loo last night.

Then this morning was my first opportunity in FOREVER for a sleep-in - I'd demanded that DH look after DS in the morning for a change so I could get some much-needed rest. BUT.... I had to get up & go to the loo. I was not well. I crawled back to bed after doing my injections at 8.30am & tried to get more sleep but at first I was in too much pain - stomach cramps, headache, nausea, - then that started to subside but my little guy was making a racket in the lounge & the neighbour's boys were stomping around upstairs so I gave up. Mind you, I still enjoyed lying around in bed until 11am.

I lazed around on the couch but eventually I had to get ready for work as I started at 2pm, training up for a new role. This was NOT the best day for me to have to concentrate. I was sweating for the first hour or so but luckily I came good. Then tonight the diarrhoea struck again. 

I remember this happening last round & I was freaking out about my egg retrieval. It must be related to the medications. Fingers crossed my blood test & ultrasound show some serious progress so I can have my egg collection soon & stop these meds. Plus my belly is getting sore from the 3 injections a day & all the bloating!

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