August 27, 2011

ICSI #2 - 10dp5dt - HPT.. Still ++++!!!

Well, I haven't had any "symptoms" or "signs" for a few days now. Hence my obsessive compulsive POASing! I still have regular leaking from the Crinone (which is normal), and my skin is still a mess - it's not just on my face but on my neck & chest as well - YUCK! The Apple Cider Vinegar seems to be controlling it a little, but it's nowhere near fixing the problem. But hey - I'll live with it if it means I get results like this! ;-)

On another note, I got a letter from Medicare yesterday showing I get NO BENEFIT from the $7540 I forked out for my IVF cycle!!!!! Aaaaarrrrrgggghhhh! It's a mistake of course. The explanation is "referring provider is closed". This came up in my last cycle for one of the other costs, but after calls back & forth, then personally going into the Medicare office, they finally just said it was a mistake & approved the rebate.

I called Medicare yesterday and they think my referring GP (who no longer works at the medical centre I went to) put the wrong provider number on my referral. When I called the IVF clinic they couldn't figure out what was wrong, and said they couldn't change the provider number anyway as this would affect other patients who were referred by the same doctor. She said she'd call me back. I'm still waiting. God I hate red tape!! Especially when I'm thousands of dollars down! Mega frustrated. Thank God my tests have been positive, otherwise I'd want to rip someone's head off... literally!

August 25, 2011

ICSI #2 - 8dp5dt - HPT.. OMG!

So, did another test this morning after stupidly reading Google posts that suggested my faint positive could have been the remnants of my Trigger shot. Well, Google, have I got news for you!!!

A DARKER line! Woo!

Hurry up Beta! Monday can't come soon enough.. When can I start C E L E B R A T I  N G !!!!?

August 23, 2011

ICSI #2 - 6dp5dt - HPT

Ok, I caved today. Despite reading bad things all morning about POAS! I peed into a container first thing this morn, then didn't test til lunchtime, and....
A very very faintest of faint positives!

Not sure whether to tell DP yet (we're working oppositive shifts so I won't see him for a couple of days). Don't want to get our hopes up in case it's a false positive. It was a First Response & I have another one so I think I'll test again in a few days. Beta blood test isn't until next Monday (6 days away).

Well here it is, let me know what you think:

August 22, 2011

ICSI #2 - 5dp5dt: Symptoms, Signs or Side Effects??

Why do pregnancy symptoms have to be so similar to AF signs & so close to progesterone side effects??? Ugh. OK.. here's my "complaints" so far, for the record.

* Lower abdominal & back cramping started today
(similar to onset of AF)

* Slight nausea yesterday & today

* Flu symptoms starting 2dp5dt but easing slightly - sore throat, stuffy nose, lethargic, also swollen glands/lymph nodes one side of neck & under chin

* Reflux

* Burping
(not unusual for me, but a little more excessive)

* Gas
(poor DP has to wear a mask before entering the bedroom :-0)

* Wet discharge for a few days now
(apparently this is probably the Crinone leaking out)

* Bloating
(started during stim phase & hasn't gone away)

* BAD acne!
(also started during stim phase, not abating)

Thinking about POAS (testing) tomorrow morning but I may chicken out. I want to live in hope for as long as I can, but also don't want false hope if it's negative, or unnecessary stress if it's positive. Who knows if it will even be correct?

I never thought I'd say this but: thank god I'm back at work tomorrow.. just to take my mind off it all for a while. Although I'd just be swapping one stress for another. Oh the confusion & insanity!! Save me now!